











【日本のアニメを英語で見る方法7選】おすすめはCrunchyrollです🎵 この記事解決できるお悩み ・自分に合った視聴方法は? ・各種サービスを比較したい ・視聴する方法を全て教えて欲しい ・本記事のまとめ 執筆者紹介 当ブログでは、ア...







Ariel, the princess of the underwater kingdom Atlantica, falls in love with the human prince Eric and transforms into a human, losing her voice in the process.

Overcoming the schemes of the wicked sea witch Ursula and facing various challenges, Ariel and Eric’s love triumphs, leading to a happy future for the couple.


Ariel, the princess of the underwater kingdom Atlantica, is curious about the human world and fascinated by human objects and culture.

She possesses an adventurous spirit different from her underwater companions and falls in love with the human prince, Eric.

However, her father, King Triton, prohibits interaction with humans and forbids Ariel from going to the human world.

Seeking help, Ariel makes a deal with the sea witch Ursula, exchanging her voice for the ability to become human.

Despite transforming into a human and getting closer to Eric, she loses her ability to speak.

Meanwhile, Ursula harbors ambitions to rule Atlantica and uses Ariel’s lost voice to steal Triton’s power.

The story focuses on Ariel facing various challenges and adventures as a human, highlighting the power of love.

Ultimately, Ariel and Eric’s love triumphs, thwarting Ursula’s evil plans.

Ariel chooses a new life as a human, and together with Eric, they embrace a happy future.


“The Little Mermaid” is a story about a beautiful princess named Ariel who lives under the sea.

Ariel is very curious about the world above the water, especially humans.

She falls in love with a prince named Eric, but her dad, King Triton, doesn’t want her to be friends with humans.

One day, Ariel meets a sea witch named Ursula. Ursula promises to turn Ariel into a human so she can be with Eric, but in return, Ariel has to give up her voice.

Ariel becomes human but can’t talk anymore.

Ariel faces many challenges in the human world, but in the end, her love for Eric helps her defeat the sea witch Ursula.

Ariel chooses to stay human and live happily ever after with Eric.


Hey there! So, ‘The Little Mermaid’ is this awesome story about a mermaid princess named Ariel who’s super curious about the human world.

She falls for a human prince, Eric, and goes on this crazy adventure to be with him.

There’s a sea witch, Ursula, causing trouble, but in the end, love wins! Ariel chooses to be human and lives happily ever after with Eric.

It’s a total feel-good, magical kind of story!


“The Little Mermaid” follows Ariel, a mermaid princess curious about the human world.

She makes a deal with the sea witch Ursula to become human and falls in love with Prince Eric.

However, Ursula’s deceitful plans unfold, challenging Ariel’s love.

Overcoming obstacles, Ariel chooses love, defeats Ursula, and embraces a new life as a human alongside Eric, creating a magical and heartwarming tale of love, courage, and self-discovery.


“The Little Mermaid” is a captivating story of Ariel, a spirited mermaid princess enchanted by the wonders of the human world.

Despite her father King Triton’s warnings, Ariel’s curiosity leads her to make a deal with the cunning sea witch Ursula. In exchange for becoming human, she surrenders her voice.

As a human, Ariel encounters Prince Eric and falls deeply in love.

However, the path to true love is fraught with challenges. Ursula, in a bid for power, manipulates events and casts a shadow over Ariel’s happiness.

The climax sees Ariel confronting Ursula, demonstrating courage and determination.

The story beautifully explores themes of sacrifice, self-discovery, and the transformative power of love.

Ariel’s journey symbolizes the pursuit of one’s dreams and the willingness to navigate uncharted waters for the sake of love.

The triumph of good over evil, embodied by Ariel’s victory against Ursula, resonates with universal appeal.

In the end, Ariel chooses love and humanity, deciding to remain human to be with Eric.

The narrative concludes with a joyful celebration, underlining the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing love in all its forms.

“The Little Mermaid” serves as a timeless reminder that love, courage, and resilience can overcome any obstacle, creating a tale cherished by audiences of all ages.


“The Little Mermaid” weaves a captivating tale around Ariel, a spirited mermaid princess with an insatiable curiosity about the human world.

In her underwater kingdom of Atlantica, Ariel collects human artifacts and dreams of a life beyond the ocean depths.

This fascination becomes more pronounced when she saves the human Prince Eric from a shipwreck and subsequently falls deeply in love.

Despite her underwater adventures, Ariel longs for the world above, much to the dismay of her father, King Triton, who vehemently opposes interaction with humans.

Desperate to pursue her dreams, Ariel strikes a deal with Ursula, the sea witch. In a twist of fate, she is granted a human form but sacrifices her melodious voice.

As Ariel embarks on her human journey, she faces the challenges of adapting to a new world.

She encounters Eric again and, despite the inability to speak, strives to convey her feelings.

Ursula, however, seizes the opportunity to wreak havoc, manipulating events to undermine Ariel’s chances of true love.

The narrative reaches its zenith during a climactic battle between Ariel and Ursula, where Ariel’s determination, coupled with the support of her friends from the sea, prevails against Ursula’s dark magic.

The triumph underscores themes of courage, resilience, and the indomitable power of love.

In the denouement, Ariel’s choice to remain human signifies a poignant transformation.

The story concludes with a jubilant celebration as Ariel and Eric unite, embracing a future filled with love, understanding, and acceptance.

“The Little Mermaid” thus resonates as a timeless fable, imparting valuable lessons about following one’s heart, overcoming adversity, and the transformative nature of true love.






Name: Ariel

Hometown: Atlantica Kingdom (Underwater Kingdom)

Position: Princess

Features: Ariel has golden hair, beautiful blue eyes, and is often recognized by her distinctive mermaid tail.

Personality: She is curious and adventurous, with a strong interest in the human world. Ariel possesses a deep belief in dreams and love, along with the courage to face challenges.

Family: Her father is King Triton, ruler of Atlantica. The story also depicts Ariel’s close relationships with her sisters and various sea creatures.

Throughout the narrative, Ariel showcases her curiosity, pursuit of dreams, and strength in confronting true love and challenges.



Name: Prince Eric

Position: Prince

Features: He has dark blond hair and blue eyes, portraying both an adventurous and graceful demeanor throughout the story.

Personality: Possesses exceptional courage and sincerity. He is fond of adventures and is known for his kindness.



Name: King Triton

Hometown: Atlantica Kingdom (Underwater Kingdom)

Position: King

Features: Recognizable by his rich purple tail and distinctive white beard. The story portrays him with a powerful yet loving demeanor.

Personality: Stern yet deeply affectionate towards his daughters and the kingdom. Concerned about interactions with humans, leading to some dramatic events in the story.

Family: The king of Atlantica, his relationships with his daughters, particularly Princess Ariel, and other sisters are depicted throughout the narrative.

King Triton is depicted in the story with a range of emotions, from the responsibilities of ruling the kingdom to the deep affection he holds for his daughters and the complexities of his relationship with Ariel, which involves conflict and reconciliation.



Name: Sebastian

Hometown: Atlantica Kingdom (Underwater Kingdom)

Position: Royal advisor and conductor of the orchestra

Features: Notable for his red, lobster-like appearance, he serves as the conductor for the royal music.

Personality: Often comical, yet occasionally strict with a kind-hearted side. Engages in various royal events and assists in Ariel’s adventures.

Sebastian brings a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere to the story through his comical and warm interactions with Ariel and other characters.



Name: Ursula

Position: Sea witch

Features: Notable for her large and eerie appearance resembling an octopus.

Personality: Devious and strategic. She seeks power and plots to rule over the Atlantica Kingdom.

Ursula serves as the antagonist in the narrative, bringing villainous elements through her conflicts with King Triton and her dealings with Ariel.

















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Ariel, the princess of the underwater kingdom Atlantica, is curious about the human world and fascinated by human objects and culture.

She possesses an adventurous spirit different from her underwater companions and falls in love with the human prince, Eric.

However, her father, King Triton, prohibits interaction with humans and forbids Ariel from going to the human world.

Seeking help, Ariel makes a deal with the sea witch Ursula, exchanging her voice for the ability to become human.

Despite transforming into a human and getting closer to Eric, she loses her ability to speak.

Meanwhile, Ursula harbors ambitions to rule Atlantica and uses Ariel’s lost voice to steal Triton’s power.

The story focuses on Ariel facing various challenges and adventures as a human, highlighting the power of love.

Ultimately, Ariel and Eric’s love triumphs, thwarting Ursula’s evil plans.

Ariel chooses a new life as a human, and together with Eric, they embrace a happy future.



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【日本のアニメを英語で見る方法7選】おすすめはCrunchyrollです🎵 この記事解決できるお悩み ・自分に合った視聴方法は? ・各種サービスを比較したい ・視聴する方法を全て教えて欲しい ・本記事のまとめ 執筆者紹介 当ブログでは、ア...
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