











【日本のアニメを英語で見る方法7選】おすすめはCrunchyrollです🎵 この記事解決できるお悩み ・自分に合った視聴方法は? ・各種サービスを比較したい ・視聴する方法を全て教えて欲しい ・本記事のまとめ 執筆者紹介 当ブログでは、ア...







Belle, a girl from a village, loves to read.

When her father is captured by a Beast, Belle sacrifices herself in his place.

However, the Beast is actually a cursed prince who needs true love to break the spell.

Belle and the Beast become friends, and eventually, love blossoms.

In the end, Belle’s love lifts the curse, returning the prince and his castle companions to their original forms, resulting in a happy ending.


The story revolves around Belle, the beautiful daughter of a village.

Belle, not only beautiful but also a girl with a keen curiosity and a love for books, is looked upon with curiosity by the villagers.

One day, Belle’s father Maurice is kidnapped by a Beast living in a castle reminiscent of nobility.

To rescue her father, Belle sacrifices herself and becomes a captive of the Beast.

However, the Beast is, in fact, under a curse and is a prince who cannot return to his human form.

In his castle, there are companions cursed to take on the appearances of furniture and objects.

The curse can only be broken if the Beast finds true love.

Initially fearful, Belle gradually builds a friendship with the Beast, discovering richness of heart and humanity.

Meanwhile, in the village, hunter Gaston emerges, seemingly chasing after Belle, adding tension to the story.

The narrative progresses to an emotional climax, testing the true love between Belle and the Beast.

Ultimately, true love triumphs, the curse is lifted, and the Beast transforms back into a prince.

Belle and the Beast enjoy a happy ending, and the companions in the castle return to their original forms.

“Beauty and the Beast” weaves a touching and romantic tale of beauty, magic, love, and friendship.


The story is about a girl named Belle who lives in a beautiful village.

Belle is not just pretty but also loves reading books, and she’s very curious.

However, the people in the village find her a bit strange.

One day, Belle’s dad, Maurice, gets taken by a Beast who lives in a castle like a noble.

To save her dad, Belle decides to be captured by the Beast.

Surprisingly, the Beast is actually a prince who got cursed and can’t turn back into a human.

In his castle, everything turns into enchanted objects because of the curse.

The only way to break the curse is if the Beast finds true love.

At first, Belle is scared, but she becomes friends with the Beast and discovers the kindness inside him.

Meanwhile, a hunter named Gaston in the village wants to marry Belle, adding excitement to the story.

The tale goes on to an exciting ending where Belle and the Beast’s true love is put to the test.

In the end, their love wins, the curse is broken, and the Beast becomes a prince again.

Belle and the Beast, along with their enchanted friends, live happily ever after.

“Beauty and the Beast” is a magical and heartwarming story about love, friendship, and breaking curses.


So, check it out!

This super cute story is all about a chic and a bit clumsy girl named Belle who lives in this gorgeous village.

Belle is a bookworm extraordinaire and, well, let’s just say, people think she’s a bit of an oddball.

Now, one fine day, Belle’s dad, Maurice, gets snatched by a Beast living in this fancy castle.

Belle, being the hero she is, sacrifices herself and heads over to the Beast’s crib.

But get this, the Beast is under some crazy curse and needs true love to turn back into a human. And get this, all the furniture and stuff in the castle are cursed too! Wild, right?

At first, Belle’s a bit freaked out, but she becomes buds with the Beast and realizes he’s got a heart of gold.

Meanwhile, back in the village, there’s this hunter dude, Gaston, chasing after Belle, making things super exciting.

The story gets to this epic climax where Belle and the Beast’s love is put to the test.

Of course, in the end, love conquers all, the curse is broken, and the Beast becomes a prince again.

Belle and the Beast live happily ever after, and even the enchanted furniture pals get back to their original selves.

“Beauty and the Beast” is like, super heartwarming and magical.

Totally swoon-worthy, you know!


Belle, a book-loving beauty, sacrifices herself to save her father from a Beast’s castle.

Discovering the Beast’s cursed princely identity, she befriends him, uncovering his kindness.

As their love blossoms, they break the curse, restoring the prince and enchanted castle inhabitants to their true forms for a happily-ever-after.


In a charming village, Belle, an avid reader, becomes an oddity.

When her father, Maurice, is captured by a Beast in a majestic castle, Belle sacrifices herself.

Unveiling the Beast’s cursed past, she befriends him, discovering his kind heart. Meanwhile, a village hunter, Gaston, adds tension.

As Belle and the Beast’s friendship evolves into love, they face challenges.

The enchanted castle objects, once humans, reveal the curse’s depth.

Gaston, fueled by jealousy, stirs trouble.

The story climaxes as Belle’s love breaks the curse, transforming the Beast into a prince.

The tale concludes with a joyful reunion, the enchanted objects returning to human form.

Belle and the prince find a happily-ever-after, emphasizing the power of love and acceptance.

“Beauty and the Beast” beautifully weaves magic, romance, and the triumph of compassion.


In a quaint village, Belle, an enchanting young woman with a passion for books, stands out for her beauty and curiosity, making her the subject of local gossip.

Her father, Maurice, unwittingly stumbles into the castle of a Beast, where he’s taken captive.

To save her father, Belle offers herself in exchange, discovering the Beast is a cursed prince.

The castle’s inhabitants, transformed into enchanted objects, reveal the curse’s nature: true love is the only cure.

Belle, initially wary, befriends the Beast.

Their connection deepens into a genuine and transformative love. Meanwhile, in the village, the arrogant hunter Gaston pursues Belle.

As Belle and the Beast navigate their emotions, Gaston’s jealousy leads to conflict.

The enchanted objects impart the urgency of breaking the curse before it becomes irreversible.

The narrative reaches its climax with a test of Belle and the Beast’s love.

Ultimately, true love prevails, breaking the curse and restoring the prince and his castle companions to their original forms.

The story concludes with Belle and the prince living happily ever after, emphasizing the transformative power of love and acceptance.

“Beauty and the Beast” unfolds a tale of enchantment, compassion, and the enduring magic of true love.






Name: Belle

Personality: Intelligent, curious, and a voracious reader. Independent with a strong will, she holds unconventional thoughts.

Appearance: Notable for long black hair and large brown eyes. Famous for her iconic yellow dress.

Occupation: A village girl residing in a beautiful village, living with her father, Maurice.

Character Development: Throughout the story, Belle reveals a compassionate and affectionate side through her relationship with the Beast.

Role in the Story: Taking her father’s place in the Beast’s castle, she forms a friendship with him and ultimately breaks the curse with true love.

Belle is renowned for both her beauty and the inner strength and kindness she exhibits throughout the narrative.



Human Form: Originally a handsome prince, he was transformed into the Beast by a magical curse.

Personality: Initially prone to anger and carrying a sense of loneliness and sorrow. However, as the story progresses, he exhibits warmth and compassion through interactions with Belle.

Appearance: Covered in fur with features resembling horns and ears reminiscent of a dog or lion. Despite his imposing figure, he possesses a regal presence, and a special rose plays a significant role in the story.

Role in the Story: Cursed to remain in his monstrous form unless he finds true love. As his relationship with Belle develops, he regains a sense of inner richness and is ultimately liberated through the power of love.

The Beast’s character is defined by the contrast between his imposing exterior and the internal struggles, growth, and eventual redemption portrayed throughout the narrative.



Name: Mrs. Potts

Role: One of the enchanted objects in the Beast’s castle, transformed from a human into a teapot.

Appearance: Shaped like a traditional teapot, with her face forming the spout and handle. Textured in a brown ceramic-like material.

Personality: Gentle and approachable. Acts as a motherly and caring figure, especially towards the residents of the castle, particularly Belle and the Beast.

Role in the Story: Among the enchanted objects in the Beast’s castle, Mrs. Potts supports and cares for Belle and the Beast. Her son, Chip, is also an important character, displaying childlike curiosity.

Mrs. Potts is portrayed as a warm character filled with affection and compassion.



Name: Cogsworth

Role: One of the enchanted objects in the Beast’s castle, transformed from a human into a mantel clock.

Appearance: Resembling a traditional mantel clock, Cogsworth’s body is composed of mechanical elements like gears and clock parts. His demeanor is slightly formal, and his expression is often tense.

Personality: Stiff, serious, and strict about time. However, he also shows an affectionate side, particularly towards Belle and the Beast.

Role in the Story: A resident of the Beast’s castle, Cogsworth often provides advice related to time during Belle and the Beast’s adventures. He occasionally finds himself caught up in comical situations.

Cogsworth is characterized by his seriousness and time-conscious nature, but he also adds a unique and comical touch to the story.



Name: Lumière

Role: One of the enchanted objects in the Beast’s castle, transformed from a human into a candelabrum.

Appearance: Resembling a candelabrum with a human form, Lumière’s arms are shaped like candle flames. His color palette is bright and lively.

Personality: Cheerful and sociable. Lumière is friendly towards Belle and the Beast, displaying a romantic and generous nature.

Role in the Story: A resident of the Beast’s castle, Lumière, along with his companions, supports Belle and the Beast. He often suggests ways to enjoy life in the castle.

Lumière is characterized by his cheerful and optimistic personality, bringing vitality and humor to the story.

英語版 美女と野獣の視聴方法


・英語版 美女と野獣のDVDやブルーレイを購入する

・英語版 美女と野獣のDVDやブルーレイをレンタルする











英語版 美女と野獣のDVDやブルーレイを購入する

楽天市場アマゾンなどの通販サイトで、英語版 美女と野獣のDVDやブルーレイを購入することができます。

検索する際は「disney beauty and the beast dvd」などと検索するとヒットします。

英語版 美女と野獣のDVDやブルーレイをレンタルする

【TSUTAYA DISCAS】DMMゲオ宅配レンタル、などのサービスで在庫があれば英語版 美女と野獣のDVDやブルーレイをレンタルすることができます。

検索する際は「disney beauty and the beast」などと検索するとヒットします。

*2023/8現在では、TSUTAYA DISCASのみレンタル可能でした。




The story revolves around Belle, the beautiful daughter of a village.

Belle, not only beautiful but also a girl with a keen curiosity and a love for books, is looked upon with curiosity by the villagers.

One day, Belle’s father Maurice is kidnapped by a Beast living in a castle reminiscent of nobility.

To rescue her father, Belle sacrifices herself and becomes a captive of the Beast.

However, the Beast is, in fact, under a curse and is a prince who cannot return to his human form.

In his castle, there are companions cursed to take on the appearances of furniture and objects.

The curse can only be broken if the Beast finds true love.

Initially fearful, Belle gradually builds a friendship with the Beast, discovering richness of heart and humanity.

Meanwhile, in the village, hunter Gaston emerges, seemingly chasing after Belle, adding tension to the story.

The narrative progresses to an emotional climax, testing the true love between Belle and the Beast.

Ultimately, true love triumphs, the curse is lifted, and the Beast transforms back into a prince.

Belle and the Beast enjoy a happy ending, and the companions in the castle return to their original forms.

“Beauty and the Beast” weaves a touching and romantic tale of beauty, magic, love, and friendship.



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